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Waklert Uses

Author :

Abhishek Dutta

Post Uploaded Date : October 9, 2023 Last Updated Date : May 22, 2024
Waklert is a brand name used for the active compound Armodafinil which treats sleep disorders like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. The prescription medication also has off-label uses such as ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, and bipolar disorder.

Waklert has gained much attention because of its various on-label and off-label uses, especially as a cognitive enhancer. This blog provides the detailed description of the various Waklert Uses and benefits.

What Is Waklert?

Waklert is a medication that contains the active compound Armodafinil used to treat sleep disorders like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work disorders.

It is a prescription-based medication and belongs to the schedule IV controlled substance. The FDA approved the use of this medication in 2007.

What Are The Waklert Uses And Benefits?

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There are three medical waklert uses listed below:

  1. Narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder that causes excessive sleepiness and  irregularities in the sleep cycle. Armodafinil helps to restore the sleep cycle and stay active throughout the day.
  2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a condition, that blocks the air pathways and causes difficulty in sleeping. Waklert 150mg helps in regulating their sleep cycle.
  3. Shift Work Sleep Disorder is found among people working for non-traditional hours. Waklert helps to regulate the sleep cycle and activates the shift workers throughout the working hours.

Off-label Uses of Waklert

4 notable Off-label Uses of Waklert are-

  1. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is popularly found among children resulting in impulsive behavior in children, or they might have trouble paying attention.

    Armodafinil has an average rating of 8.2 out of 10 from the website for the Off-label treatment of ADHD. Waklert ( Armodafinil) Review For ADHD, I tried many medications like Concerta, Vyvanse, etc., after I was diagnosed with ADHD after my Children. But Armodafinil is a wonder drug [1].

  2. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a condition characterized by profound fatigue, abnormalities in the sleep cycle, and pain that might also worsen with excretion.

    Armodafinil has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from the website for treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

    Waklert ( Armodafinil) Review for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    I found Nuvigil ( Armodafinil) effective for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.

    Before taking this medication, I could not stay awake [2].

  3. Bipolar Disorder  is also called manic depressive illness or manic depression. This condition is characterized by unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, activity, or concentration levels making it very difficult to carry out daily tasks. According to a study by Terrence A. Cater and others, Armodafinil ( Waklert) was found to be an effective and well-tolerated drug for over 6 months of treatment for Bipolar Disorder [3].
  4. Jet lag is generally found among people who travel across multiple time zones. The condition is characterized by excessive daytime fatigue, inability to stay alert and focused, a feeling of unwell, and stomach problems. According to a study published in 2010 by David E. McCarty, Armodafinil is an effective treatment for fighting the symptoms associated with Jet lag [4].
  5. Armodafinil has also been found effective in improving long-term episodic memory in patients with excessive sleepiness, as laid down in a study published in 2007 by Thomas Roth and others. This is why the use of Waklert is increasing among students for studying and securing good grades in exams.

Benefits of Waklert ( Armodafinil)

Four of the noteworthy benefits of Waklert are laid down below-

  1. Waklert helps in improving focus and memory.
  2. It is more effective than Modafinil ( less but more efficient)
  3. It starts its Onset of Action within 30 minutes after consumption. However, it might vary from person to person depending on certain factors like age and health conditions.
  4. The half-life ( amount of time required to reduce a medicine by its half) of Waklert is 15 hours.

If you want to take advantage of Waklert 150mg benefits, you can order online from our website, Mymodalert.

How Does Waklert( Armodafinil) Work?

The exact working mechanism of Waklert ( Armodafinil) is unknown. However, it is a single isomer of the compound Modafinil. Therefore, both of the substance’s working mechanisms are similar.

Waklert increases the level of neurotransmitters such as orexin, histamine, thyroxin, dopamine, and serotonin and decreases the action of GABA, which, as a result, reduces excessive sleepiness and helps to remain active throughout the day [6].

 What Is The Standard Recommended Waklert Dosage?

The Standard recommended dosage of Armodafinil is 150-250 mg/day for narcolepsy and obstructive Sleep Apnea. 

The recommended dosage of Waklert for shift work disorder is 150mg/day. 

However, the dosage strength might vary from patient to patient depending on factors like age and health conditions like kidney and liver dysfunction. 

Waklert is only recommended for people over 16 years of age. 

In any case, if you miss a dose of Waklert, you can take the dose immediately if your next dose isn’t approaching. You can skip the missed dose and follow your normal dosage schedule. You shouldn’t overlap the doses; it might lead to an overdose. 

How To Take Waklert?

5 Simple steps to be taken before consuming Waklert.

  1. Waklert comes in tablet form, and you should swallow it as a whole with a glass of water.
  2. Do not crush or chew the tablet.
  3. You can take the medication with or without food as the doctor prescribes.
  4. You should take the medication at the same time of the day regularly for better effectiveness.
  1. Generally, the drug is suggested to be taken early in the morning. Otherwise, it might lead to insomnia. For shift work disorder, it should be taken 1 hour before your Shift Work begins [7].

Precautions While Using Waklert

6 precautionary measures need to be taken while using Waklert 150mg-

  1. If you are allergic to Armodafinil or any other ingredients of Waklert, you should consult your doctor before taking the medication.
  1. You should avoid doing activities that require immediate response, such as driving, operating heavy machinery, etc. 
  1. Avoid completely the use of Alcohol while taking the medication because it can worsen the side effects of the medicine.
  1. You should consult your doctor about your medical history if you have problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, liver or kidney dysfunction.
  1. You should not take the medication at the pregnancy stage and avoid using contraceptives while taking the medication.
  1. You should avoid the medication at the stage of breastfeeding; this might harm your baby [8].

What Are The Waklert Side Effects?

10 Side Effects of Waklert are mentioned below-

  1. Frequent Urination
  2. Headache
  3. Difficulty in breathing
  4. Rashes
  5. Tightness in the Chest
  6. Mood or mental changes
  7. Loss of Appetite
  8. Sore throat
  9. Vomiting
  10. Weight loss.

You should immediately consult your doctor if the symptoms are severe and do not go away on their own. 

Waklert Uses- Conclusion

Waklert is a medication with both On-label and Off-label Uses. It is a prescription medication for medical uses like Narcolepsy, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Shift Work Disorder. Waklert’s Off-label Uses are- ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, etc.


What do you take Armodafinil for?

Armodafinil is used to treat Narcolepsy, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Shift Work Disorders., along with the off-label uses of ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Bipolar Disorder, etc.

Should I take Armodafinil every day?

Yes, you can take Armodafinil every day as prescribed by your health experts.

How long can you take Armodafinil for?

You can take Armodafinil regularly for upto 12 weeks. However, you should consult your doctor before taking the medication.

How does Armodafinil ( Waklert) make you feel?

Armodafinil can change the way you focus, think, and react.

Does Armodafinil improve memory?

Armodafinil is proven to improve long-term memory in many studies, compared to Placebo.


  1. Armodafinil User Reviews For ADHD,

  2. Armodafinil for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome User Reviews,

  3. Long-term safety and efficacy of armodafinil in bipolar depression: A 6-month open-label extension study, NCBI

  4. Ready for takeoff? A critical review of armodafinil and modafinil for the treatment of sleepiness associated with jet lag, NCBI

  5. Armodafinil improves wakefulness and long-term episodic memory in nCPAP-adherent patients with excessive sleepiness associated with obstructive sleep apnea, NCBI.

  6. Nuvigil, Armodafinil, CenterWatch

  7. Armodafinil, Oral Route, Mayo Clinic.

  8. Armodafinil, WebMD

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