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Modafinil For Hangover: A Comprehensive Guide

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Post Uploaded Date : July 27, 2024 Last Updated Date : July 27, 2024
Modafinil helps in managing hangover symptoms by removing excessive fatigue and promoting cognitive abilities. The standard recommended dosage of Modafinil is 200 mg/day

Individuals use Modafinil as an effective solution to save their productivity from plummeting during a hangover. People know rather than feeling like alcohol-induced death it is possible to have increased focus and renewed supply of energy.  But the question arises,”Is it safe to use Modafinil during a hangover?” The article here discusses all the benefits and possible risks associated with Modafinil during a hangover.

What Is Modafinil?

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Modafinil is a stimulating agent that helps to treat sleep disorders associated with narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea and shift work sleep disorder. The FDA approved the use of the schedule IV controlled substance in 1998.

Over the past two decades, Modafinil has become one of the most developed drugs in improving cognitive-enhancing benefits, and capacity to focus on one activity for an extended period of time.  Modafinil is sold under different brand names such as Modalert, Modvigil and Provigil.

The Basics Of Modafinil And Hangover

Before diving into the concept of Modafinil and Hangover, let’s first understand the term “Hangover”.

A set of symptoms that occur after drinking too much is referred to as Hangover. The basic symptoms are given below:

  • Fatigue
  • Thirst
  • Weakness
  • Anxiety
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Vertigo
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Sensitivity towards sound and light
  • Sweating
  • Nausea

Modafinil is known to be an effective solution to cure hangover symptoms. Based on certain anecdotal reports, it has been found that Modafinil enhances alertness, restores concentration, improves focus and memory after a rough night of drinking.

Modafinil is also effective in treating excessive fatigue, depression, multiple sclerosis and sleep deprivation.

There are also certain studies that suggest Modafinil helps in lowering the impulsivity in alcoholic people.

How To Cure Hangover With Modafinil?


To cure Hangovers with Modafinil, not only involves swallowing a white pill and expecting it to work like magic. The process of curing hangovers also involves some tips that includes various scientific research and personal experience of hundreds of the smart tab users to effectively follow the protocol:

  • Drink Plenty of Water:

It is of utmost importance to drink plenty of water. Dehydration negatively impacts cognitive abilities and this worsens after excessive alcohol intake. Consumption of more water improves concentration, memory and attention.

  • Maintain a proper sleep routine:

Getting a good amount of sleep reduces the hangover symptoms. A minimum of 7 hour sleep is necessary to remove excessive fatigue, severe headaches, and irritability. The quality and quantity of sleep impacts the learning and memory of a person. It is also found to improve focus and cognitive possibilities.

  • A Proper Diet:

A maintained and proper diet is important as soon as you wake up after a night of drinking. Eating a good healthy breakfast is important for both mental and physical health. The food should be large in size focussing on the nutrients, proteins, electrolytes, that are depleted by drinking alcohol.

The best source of electrolytes are:

  • Pedialytes.
  • Coconut water.

Some of the recommended dietary products include:

  • Eggs
  • Oatmeal
  • Avocado
  • Sweet potato
  • Blueberries
  • Pickles
  • Meat
  • Chicken noodle soup
  • Dark leafy greens such as spinach

You should also consume complex carbohydrates, and healthy fat sources.

  • Take some of the best supplements:

You can take some of the best supplements such as

  • Prickly pear: It is a type of cactus that treats hangovers. It has certain extracts that decrease hangover symptoms and it cuts the risk of hangover severity in half.
  • Ginger: Mix it with tangerine and brown sugar that ameliorates several hangover symptoms such as vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.
  • Red ginseng: This reduces blood alcohol levels and hangover severity.
  • Eleuthero: It alleviates the hangover symptoms and lessens the overall severity of the condition.
  • Borage oil: In a study it was laid down that borage oil lessened hangover symptoms in 88% of participants.
  • Consume Modafinil:

Taking Modafinil is the peak strategy to cure the hangover symptoms, once you are well-rested, fully hydrated, fully awake and it’s time to put the nootropic hangover cure to good use.

Risks Associated With Using Modafinil For Hangover

There are certain risk factors associated with Modafinil and Hangover, even though both co-exist together.  There is no scientific evidence or approaches done on mixing Modafinil and Alcohol. However, it is not advisable to mix both the substances together simultaneously.

Another consideration is when you mix a central nervous stimulant with a central nervous system depressant such as alcohol.

Adverse Effects of Mixing Modafinil And Alcohol together:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Breathing problems
  •  Dehydration
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea

Consuming both the substances together causes undue stress on the liver as both Modafinil and Alcohol are metabolized in the liver.

Personal User Experiences

There are certain user interactions laid down below that depicts how Modafinil is effective in treating hangovers.

“Whenever I take Modafinil after heavy drinking at night, my hangover symptoms are minimized. Modafinil starts working within 30 minutes after administration and within half an hour you wake up in a good mood.”

“Modafinil allows me to be tremendously productive after heavy drinking”, otherwise it would  be a waste of time”.

However, you are always advised to take Modafinil for hangovers with the proper consultations of the doctor.


Is the combination of smart drugs and alcohol safe? We cannot give a conclusion as “yes” because there is limited scientific evidence that suggests that combination of smart drug hangover fix is possible.


Does Modafinil Increase Dopamine?

Yes, Modafinil helps in increasing the chemical neurotransmitters such as serotonin, orexin, histamine and dopamine.

How Long Does Modafinil Take To Kick In?

Modafinil starts its action 30 minutes after administration.

What Is The Standard Recommended Dosage Of Modafinil?

The standard recommended dosage of Modafinil is 200mg/day.

What Is The Half-life Of Modafinil?

The half-life of Modafinil is 12-15 hours.

Is Modafinil A Stimulant?

Yes, Modafinil is a central-nervous system stimulant.


  1. Beginners Guide To Modafinil For Hangover,
  2. How long after Modafinil Can I drink Alcohol,

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