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Modafinil in Australia

Author :

Abhishek Dutta

Post Uploaded Date : October 3, 2023 Last Updated Date : May 21, 2024
Yes, a GP (general practitioner) can prescribe Modafinil in Australia.
Modafinil is a medication used to treat sleep disorders like narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. It is a prescription-based medicine, and you can easily avail it at a local or online stores.

Modafinil is a medication that is available with a prescription. Now, the question arises: who can prescribe Modafinil?

Can a GP prescribe Modafinil? Let’s glance at the blog to find a suitable answer to the question and the necessary details.

What Is Modafinil?

Modafinil is a prescription-based medication that  that promotes wakefulness.

The drug belongs to Schedule IV controlled substances. Itl is sold under different brand names—Modalert, Modvigil, Provigil, etc.

Teva Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. manufactures Modafinil.

Can A GP Prescribe Modafinil In Australia?

Yes, of course, a general practitioner can prescribe Modafinil in Australia. However, it is essential to note that not all GPs might be willing to do so. You should be diagnosed with conditions that warrant its use.Some GPs might prescribe it for off-label conditions such as ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, weight loss, cognitive enhancement, etc.

How Do I Get A Prescription For Modafinil In Australia?

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Modafinil, a prescription-based medication, is available in the same way in different parts of the world.  To get a prescription for Modafinil in Australia:

  1. Book an appointment with your healthcare provider.
  2. Visit them on the fixed date and consult your problems and symptoms with them for better treatment.

Is Modafinil Legal In Australia?

Yes, Modafinil is legal in Australia for its approved treatment of narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder[2].

What Is The Best Place To Get Modafinil Online In Australia?

Modafinil is available online. You can buy Modafinile from at very affordable rates and at discounted prices. You can even purchase Modafinil from our website without a prescription.
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When buying Modafinil online consider the following situations:

  • Ensure the pharmacy is a licensed one.
  • Verify the payment methods are safe and secure. You can do your payment through credit cards and debit cards.
  • You can check the customer’s reviews to confirm pharmacy’s legitimacy.
  • Inspect the packages for proper sealing. Return the broken packages immediately.

What Are The Uses Of Modafinil?

The three basic and primary uses of Modafinil are given below:

  • Narcolepsy ( a chronic neurological disorder that leads to a non-restorative sleep cycle)
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( a disorder that causes irregularities in your sleep cycle)
  • Shift Work Disorder (a disorder that is found among workers who work for non-traditional hours)

5 Off-label uses of Modafinil are:

  1. Modafinil For ADHD
  2. Weight loss
  3. Chronic Fatigue syndrome
  4. Modafinil for Jet lag
  5. Modafinil for Studying

How Does Modafinil Work?

Modafinil is a wakefulness-promoting agent that inhibits Gaba through neurotransmitters like orexin, serotonin, histamine, and dopamine.

The Pharmacokinetics of Modafinil include three processes:

  1. Absorption: This is the first process where the medicine is readily absorbed.
  2. Metabolism: This is the second phase, where the medicine is metabolized in the liver.
  3. Excretion: The third stage is where the metabolites are excreted through Urine. The process takes place in the kidney. The half life ( amount of time required to reduce by its half) of the medication is 12-15 hours. The effects of Modafinil lasts for about 24-30 hours.


Modafinil Drug Testing

The Modafinil Drug Testing session needs to determine whether the drug is wholly excreted or the metabolites still prevail in the system.

  • Modafinil traces are generally found in urine or blood samples.
  • Modafinil is removed entirely from blood in 10–12 hours and 48-72 hours from urine [1].

Can a GP prescribe Modafinil in Australia: Conclusion

Modafinil is a prescription-based medication that belongs to Schedule IV controlled substances. Modafinil is readily available when you carry the prescription that suggests the proper doses from a GP, according to your condition. However, you should be aware of your condition and ensure that you undergo the appropriate diagnosis for the proper treatment.


Can Modafinil be prescribed by a GP?

Yes, a doctor will prescribe modafinil as a medication

Is Modafinil a restricted drug?

Modafinil is a Schedule IV controlled substance.

How Do I get Modafinil from a doctor?

You can get Modafinil from a doctor after you get the prescription, along with the proper dosage scheduled. However, the standard recommended dosage for Modafinil is 200 mg/day.

What diagnosis is Modafinil available for?

The FDA approved the use of the medication in 1998 for the treatment of narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorders.

What is the age limit for Modafinil?

Modafinil is prescribed for people over 16 years old.

What is the dosage of Modafinil?

The standard recommended dosage of Modafinil is 200 mg/day. However, the maximum dosage can go up to 400 mg/day.


  1. How long does Modafinil stay in your System, banyan-treatment center?
  2. The three best places to buy Modafinil in Australia, NDTV.

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